If I knew, I wouldn't be writing this.
Honestly, the reason for this blog is pretty selfish. Being in my twenties, life is getting harder than I was ever ready for and I need somewhere that I can be honest, have some fun, and figure sh*t out. In turn, I hope this blog helps you feel a little less alone in this crazy, unpredictable, scary, amazing, beautiful, and adventure-filled world.
"But Sierra, what does Phase Five mean?" I read somewhere that human life can be broken down into 7 stages: infancy, early childhood, middle childhood, adolescence, early adulthood, middle adulthood and old age. As I tremble at the prospect of beginning my fourth and final year of university, I'm embarking on the daunting, yet exciting journey that is the fifth phase: Early Adulthood. If the past 20 years have been any indication, it's definitely going to be an interesting ride. To learn a little more about me and Phase Five, read my welcome post!
Whatever phase, season, or walk of life you are in, I welcome you, and I know we are going to be great friends.